Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Is it always a good thing?
YES it is a good thing to create your own website as it gives you the platform to interact with millions of people throughout the world. It is more economical, and allows you to add your own creativity, share your own taught, vision, and experience without the use of a professional. If one build a website for business purposes it will help to grown your business, and sell your products and services.
Advantages of creating your own website rather than hiring a professional
·         Cost effective - Cheaper
·         Generate extra income   -  Advertising
·         You can add your own personal touch - Your creativity.
·         The main drawback in creating your own web site is to be able to do so and bringing it to a great level of success. You need to have the know-how or have the knowledge to create a web site. Without this knowledge problems are created.  The professional may come in handy, he or she may be able to give your page a professional look and attract millions to your site.
·         Time consuming
Difference between Usability and Accessibility. Why are they both important.
Usability is the ability for website visitors to do what they want to do quickly and easily. Usability is necessary for the survival of a web. Is your website efficient to use? Does it   allow rapid recovery from errors? And is it easy to remember?  If your answer to all questions is yes then your web site satisfies the characteristic for usability.  Associability is defined as how one is able to access the web, despite their disability. The difference between the two is usability is how easy it is for users to use or interact with the web site. And accessibility is how one is able to access the site despite their disability. There for a website is not usable unless it is accessible.  They are both important because they can reap hugh benefits. They are both important for the survival of a website.
Additional comments
Chapter three covered how web pages are put together and some of the different web authoring software packages that are available. These packages let you create a web page as easily as you make a world processing page. The chapter covered previous topics we have done. The chapter explained how to input information by just typing in information. Then you go in and format the text, change the colors, create links, make tables, and graphics. Chapter four covered the actual things you need to do and know before you begin your web site. What does a browser do? What is a server? How to find a sever. You need to organize your file, naming your file, saving and titling pages, etc.

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