Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Example B web page has better interface and navigation. It is also clearer and has a great interface.  The visual of the background is very appealing to the eyes and the content is easily readable. The page is very interactive, and easy to access. With example B web page you were able to view the entire page in one window.  The primary navigation system, the concept and the visual impression was contained within the 800x600 space.

In example A web page you had to scroll down to see the entire page, while in example B all places to be click by the  viewers were obvious, you are can also  see the navigation bars a lined to the left. While in example A the navigation bars are not visible.

The criteria that I have used to evaluate my two websites chosen are:
1.    The purpose that it hopes to execute
2.    The currency that it is written in
3.    The clarity that is portrait
4.    How accessible it is to get from one point to another.
The website of the Reading Hospital was the first one on my list of evaluation. I was very quick to discover that the purpose of this website was very clear. This was quite evident in the web address, the graphic and the text.  The information was current, clearly presented and easy to read. In terms of the accessibility, I did not have any problem navigating the website.
My second choice was that of Jamaica National Commercial Bank.  The outlined in the text and multimedia make the purpose very cleared. The information on the website is also up to date and clearly presented. The text was legible and formatted for easy reading. The webpage loaded very quickly and the navigation is easily executed throughout the website.
Additional Comments
This exercise has made me pledged to be critical of websites in the future.  I will use the different criteria listed above has a guide to evaluate other websites. It will also help me to pay very careful attention to these details has they will definitely help me to create good websites.
As the weeks go by, there are so many things that I am learning, I will definitely be putting them into practice. I came to this class with no knowledge of webpage design or photo shop and base on what I have learned so far I was able to complete html lab project. This achievement makes me proud of myself.

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