Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Polling Questions
I did not find the polling activity hard to do. I found some of the polling interesting and others uninteresting. My favorite was crime and justice this, was my favorite because we shared the same interest. And as the saying goes great minds think alike.


To cut out or trim unneeded portions of an image or a page is to CROP.  One basic way to modify images is to crop them remove some part of the image. Cropping changes the appearance of photographs and clip art in order to better fit the layout, make a statement, or improve the overall appearance of the subject matter. In this case we can crop out the tourists on the right side of the image since we do not want them in the picture.

Making images web-ready first requires a basic understanding of digital image resolution.  Make sure that the image is set at 72 to 100dpi. The size of an image is actually a combination of a physical dimension (8x10 inches, for instance) and a pixels-per-inch resolution.  But that’s way more than you need for screen resolution, which are only 72 to 100dpi. That’s the target area you want to get to in order to have a truly web-ready, email able image file.  So we will make the necessary changes in our case with our 8 megapixel camera.

Save for web converts your images into 72dpi images. This also has some tools to help optimize your images. If you have an earlier version of Photoshop or using another program you must at least make sure the dpi is not higher than 72 before you save as jpg or gif. Not much lower is recommended either or else you risk your image becoming pixilated.

After resizing your image correctly for the web, save it as a JPEG. That’s the most common, most viewable, most web-ready format for displaying your photographs online.  Compression is what allows you to make JPEG files high-quality or lesser quality, making them either tougher to email and longer to load on a web page, or smaller and faster to email and load. It’s a give and take: less compression makes for a larger file size and a better image with minimal pixilation and JPEG artefacts. But more compression makes files smaller and easier to distribute online with some sacrifices to image quality. The trick is finding the right balance for your needs. In this case I would use the highest-quality JPEG files with the least compression because I want my client to be able to see the image.                                                                           
Readability refers to how easily it is to read a lot of text, extended text, pages and pages of text. Legibility refers to how easily one letter can be distinguished from another, or a typestyle’s clarity.
TYPOGRAPHY                                                                                                                   Typography is the design and use of typefaces as a means of communication. Typography is a set of rules for applying text in all forms. Typography encompasses everything from calligraphy through digital type and type on Web pages. Typography subtly combines communicative and artistic elements to create a print both pleasing and easy to read. Sticking to the rules will definitely help with designing my website project.

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